Frequently Asked Questions

In order to cater for individual preferences and budgets I offer 3 different types of sessions:

$120 per person for an open circle.

$150* per person for a closed circle( a circle in which you determine the date, time and participants)

$250* for a private ceremony.

*These costs do not include a call-out fee ($2.50/km minimum $30)which depends on your location if you choose to have it at your venue.

All prices are in USD

Kambo is the secretion of the Giant Green Monkey Tree Frog, also known as Phyllomedusa bicolor, which is the scientific name. Some also refer to Kambo as Sapo, the Brazilian word for frog.

Today, over three decades of research prove that Kambo can be of great benefit to the human body. This extraordinary “chemical cocktail” of substances called peptides benefits the body in a myriad of ways, including pain relief (which would refer to Dermorphin, proven to be 40 times stronger than morphine) and also contains the antiviral Dermaseptin, which may be an effective treatment for herpes. For more info please follow this link Science of Kambo

The Giant Green Monkey Tree Frog, also known as the Phyllomedusa Bicolor, is native to the Upper Amazon Basin. The frog’s secretion is harvested onto sticks and left to dry. Once dried the stick can be easily transported globally.

Traditionally Kambo is used in three ways: before a hunt to cleanse, strengthen and energise the minds and bodies of the hunters while providing them with a sense of clarity.. As a remedy for malaria, fevers , infections and snake bites and thirdly to remove dark or negative energies called panema. When panema is cleared everything becomes easier, obstacles can be overcome and life flows more naturally.
Upon being placed on the open “gates” or burn sites, there will be a sensation often described as burning or tingling, which may subside after a few moments. Heat is the most common initial sensation. The body will begin to heat up and the skin, particularly the face and chest, will become flush. The heart rate will likely accelerate as the blood pressure increases. There may be ringing in the ears or an increased awareness of the heart beat, as if the beat is “in the ears.” This rapid heartbeat and increase in blood pressure will be followed by a drop in blood pressure. At this time, the skin can become more pale and one can potentially feel faint, or even pass out. This is a very brief occurrence, of less than a minute, and has been referred to as pleasurable by many, as it’s a reprieve from the momentary discomfort of the experience. The blood pressure will return to normal after a very short time, sometimes less than five minutes, and nausea and purging will likely follow. The purging can begin as mostly water, as two liters are consumed just prior to receiving the points. After the water has been mostly purged, it is common to see yellow bile. After several minutes, the purge may become more of a thick, sweet bile with less water, and soon after the points can be removed. It is possible to see a range in bile color depending on the individual, though the most common is close to neon, or an orange shade of yellow. The average time for this entire process is twenty minutes, though some people require up to forty minutes to complete the process with the points on. Once the points are removed carefully by the practitioner, it is likely that one will recalibrate rapidly and the effects will diminish, though it is still possible to experience purging by sweat, tears, vomit, or through the bowels.
A circle from opening to close can be anywhere from 2-4 hours, with Kambo typically remaining on the skin for between 20-40 minutes. This is very much dependent on the individuals process.
This completely depends on the individual and what they hope to gain from Kambo. We always recommend one treatment to develop a relationship and gain familiarity with the process and see if it is something you feel will assist you.

Once you have completed the booking form and I have checked to see if it will be safe for you to partake in this experience, an email will be sent to you with the preparation guide and all other details regarding the experience.

The experience of receiving Kambo is completely dependent upon the individual. Most report feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and lighter. One thing to consider is what is known as the Herxheimer reaction. This simply means that sometimes one will feel worse before feeling better as things move through the system. Unless there is an existing chronic condition, it is unlikely that this effect can be foreseen, and the effect is not guaranteed. Often, there is a burst of energy and drive. However, it is recommended to allow time after a session with no scheduled obligations or commitments (physical or mental), at least for the rest of the day, to allow time for integration and rest. The experience is not necessarily taxing, though it does require some physical stamina.
No, Neither the Frog secretion in it’s entirety nor its component peptides or neuropeptides are classified as mind-altering in any international legislature. On the other hand, it is a very powerful holistic treatment, and clients do from time to time experience “journeys”– as you might during shamanic journeying, meditation or yoga.

The sensation of the burn will differ from one individual to the next, depending on pain tolerance. Done properly, the burns only pass the first layer of skin to expose the epidermis. There will be no blood and a small blister will form, which will be rubbed off gently with a clean cloth or towel. Each gate, or burn, will be done in less than a second with the ember of an herbal incense stick, which is completely safe.


After your Kambo treatment, your points will betreated with Sangre de Grado (Dragon’s Blood).This anti bacterial and anti septic tree sap will form a protective layer over the point assisting in healing and minimizing scarring. Provided you do not pick at your points (thereby risking infection), the amount of scarring is largely down to your skin type, pigmentation and the location of the points. Other factors–including metabolism and the amount of sunlight on the skin–play a part. Delicate skin–e.g. on the inner forearm–tends to scar for longer than tougher areas–e.g. the outside upper arm. If you continue to work with Kambo, the same points can be used within 2-3 months. Everybody is different–biologically and psychologically. For some, a neat set of Kambo points is a mark of pride. Others wish to keep any scars to a minimum. Talk to us before your treatment if you have any concerns.

Kambo is completely safe when used properly under the care of a trained practitioner. The only potential harm is when there is undisclosed information about medical conditions or substances taken prior to the session, as there are a few contraindications. Please always inform your practitioner of all medication, supplements and any other substances taken in the six months months prior. Also know that mental illnesses are important to discuss with the practitioner prior to the session.

While Kambo is completely safe under normal conditions, there are physiological and psychological conditions which make the application extremely dangerous and life threatening and as such Kambo will not be administered to individuals with the following conditions:

• Serious Heart Conditions

• Medicated Low Blood Pressure

• Brain Haemorrhage

• Aneurism or Blood Clots

• Stroke

• Serious Mental Health Issues (excluding Depression, PTSD and Anxiety)

• Current Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy patients up to a period 4 weeks after the final treatment

• On Immune-suppressants for organ transplants

• Addison’s Disease

• Epileptics (Severe or current)

• While in recovery from a major surgical procedure

• Are under the age of 18 or lack the mental capacity to consent to take Kambo

• Pregnant Woman or Trying

• Women who are breastfeeding if the child is younger than 6 months

This is not an exhaustive list and it is imperative to disclose any serious health issue at least 3 days before the circle. Suitability of Kambo may depend on the stage of a disease or the constitution of the person receiving Kambo.

There are certain medications or supplements that may be contraindicated. Please disclose all supplements and medications before receiving Kambo. Sleep aids, slimming aids, and most stimulants are not advisable before Kambo.
The only threat to the Giant Green Monkey Tree Frog is the destruction of its natural habitat, the Amazon Rainforest. Ethically harvested Kambo does not threaten survival of the frogs.
As an iAKP practitioner, we choose to work with the Matses tribe because of their ethical practices. It is against the spiritual belief system of the Matses to harm the frogs in any way. These frogs live high in the trees of the Amazon Rainforest. To collect the secretion, a song is sung to call the frogs down from the trees. They do not need to be caught with force, as they arrive willingly. They do not have predators, which may be the reason they do not struggle when captured. Often a shaman will massage the toes of the frog to stimulate the secretion. With a gentle touch and care, their limbs are tied lightly with string to collect the secretion. An analogy for this is a hair band on the wrist that leaves a light, temporary indentation on the skin. The frog’s limbs retain this indentation from the string for some time after, which indicates whether it is appropriate to collect more secretion. If there are still indentations, the frog will not be used to gather more, as it will need more time to produce enough secretion to share while still being able to protect itself. Approximately the first 20% of the secretion is collected to ensure the frog maintains its defense mechanism. The secretion is removed and placed directly onto wood sticks, where it dries into a layer that looks much like a lacquer. The Matses collect the secretion with no harm to the frogs.
Yes, Kambo is first and foremost a purgative treatment. Prior to applying Kambo to your skin, you will drink a minimum of 2 litres of water. This gives your stomach something to work on when expelling toxins released into it by your liver, gall bladder and other organs. It is essential to get this water out once the toxins are released ,as failing to do this will result in a lot of discomfort and may make the process longer than necessary. Thankfully Kambo will greatly assist in this process and vomiting water is relatively painless.
Yes, I offer both closed and private session at your residence. The cost is $150p/p + callout fee for a closed circle and $300 for a private. The callout fee is dependent on location,For more information please drop me an email on

Yes, Kambo is completely legal in Indonesia.